Did you know that you can read The Economist from the comfort of your dorm room, your office, or while working out in the gym? Well, you can! As long as you are on the campus of St. Andrew's School and can access the library's webpage (just sroll down the list of online databases), via multiple mobile devices, you have the ability to read a daily edition of The Economist, a weekly publication that's been around since 1843.
You can read the full weekly edition, full blog content, and a morning briefing.
The Economist focuses on world issues in Business, Finance and economics, Science and technology, Books and art. The founder, James Wilson, a British banker, detailed thirteen areas of coverage in which to focus. He described it as: "a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress." This phrase still appears on the publication's masthead as part of its mission.
If you would like to know more about how to access this online subscription, just stop by the library or email us at library@standrews-de.org.